This looks like being a wonderfully busy month for me.
4 Eton House Pre-school, Sentosa – a story ansd drama class with Year 1 and 2, exploring the idea of making choices. The Two Goats on the Bridge got us thinking about working togerther (what does ‘co-operative’ mean?!) | |
5/12 FEAST Foundations of Oral Storytelling; delighted tofacilitate the 6-8 modules of our 10 session course with my good firends Sheila Wee & Kiran Shah. i was looking at the Performative aspects of telling stories -characterisation, use of space and gesture, managing your audience. | |
7 WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY; I was glad to be part of the festivities at Cheng san Community Club presenting 4 x 20 minute story sessions to small groups of kids and parents glad to excape from the bustle of all the activities. (The beanbags were enjoyed by all!) Telling stories of positiive thinking (the Old Woman with Only 3 Hairs!), co-oprrion, kindness and dr Yossi Lev’s the Cake of Happiness using puppets, | |
10/12 Back to the AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL to conduct a 60-minute workshop with each of the Yr 3 classes. (I was there in Aug/Sept working on poetry with their yr 6) i’ll tell teach them 3 stories, they’ll storyboard one, tell another in their own words as a class and the third is 90% dialogue so they’ll tell in groups of 4 playing a character each | |
11/13/20/25/27/30 It’s the launch of my new creative story-making programme, STORIES WITH STUFF, at Zhenghua Primary with the P6’s. During these six x 90 minute sessions, the kids with use household objects (the ‘stuff’) to develop their stories and present them. a ruler could be a wand, an arrow, an escalator, a comb or a bridge . . . | |
16 I’ll be running two 2-hour story crafting/writing sessions at MARIS STELLA HIGH SCHOOL with the Secondary Two’s. The focus is on writing a story rtthat has a strong social purpose. (The second session is next month, after I’ve had time to read and respond to their writing) | |
18 Back to AIS for a 60-minute sotrytelling performance to round off the Yr 3 unit on stories. i’ll be drawing on stories from countries represented among the student body – definitely Australia, Japan, China, Korea, Canada, India . . . | |
19/23/24/30 Returning to Punggol Greem Primary School again this year with my 3-hour intro to drama for the post PSLE Yr 6 students, co-facilitated with the ever reliable Shalni Doshi. we ran the programme same time last year and it was well-received by both the kids and staff – even though most had no experience of acting/drama, they enjoyed telling stories collectively through still-image and ‘tweets’ | |
29 It’s the Foundations Course final session and our 13 participants from UAE, Japan, Australia, Singapore, South korea, Malaysia and Vietnam will be sharing a story they’ve been working on throughout the course. | |