Creative writing prompts for young writers

What are the STORY SPARKS?

The Story Sparks were originally commissioned by a primary school in Singapore as a means to help trigger their students writing in their own time
There are two packs with 40 ‘sparks’ in each one.
Each spark consists of a photograph accompanied by some questions or suggestions designed to  prompt the student to look more closely or think more divergently before beginning their response.
Usually there are several options for responding either with fiction or by relating the picture to their personal experience – in this one, for example, considering interactions with seniors or their or relationship with their grandparents (what you taught them / what have they taught you?)   

Using the sparks . . .

You can see some poetic responses to the sparks written by Year 6 (11/12 year olds) at the australian Intenrnational School here.  The raqnge of responses to this particular spark were fascinatingly diverse. 
Sparks 2 (the purple set) were intended for upper primary (10 – 12+) and Sparks 1 (the green set) for lower primary (7 – 9 yrs)
The Story sparks are priced at $12 per set or $18 for the combo of both sets.Your order will be digitally delivered.
You are welcome to print out the individivual sparks. (Note that 4-6 of the pages in each set are designed in landscape format because of the image,  and these sheets will  need to be printed in order for easy viewing/reading.


Please note that these these listings are licensed for making one copy for your  individual (family) use. 
If you require multiple copies – to be  used with more than one class, for example – please contact me to  arrange for a licence commemsurate with your needs. 
I will appreciate your honesty as will your students for leading by example! 
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