What can I do for you?

A Performance? Or Training?


My NAC Arts Education Programmes:

(for pre-schools,  either live onsirte or online)

i will tailor the content s to suit the age of your students (from primmary through JC/ITE) and to suit your preferred theme.

is a pre-recorded 30-minute assembly programme (for secondary level) in which I share a variety of stories      focusing on positive thinking and self image.


For any enquiry email  Roger

or call 9176-1499

schools - training

My NAC Arts Education Programmes:

STORIES WITH STUFF: designed to get primary participants creating and then telling stories using everyday objects . So a ruler could become a wand, an escalator, a sword, a bridge . . . 

STORIES FOR SUCCESS  What career are your students considering? Sales, Business, Healthcare, Lawyer, Educator, Tourism, Politics, Entrepreneur? Whatever path they choose, the ability to tell a good story will make them more effective in their role (and probably more popular too!) Stories help us connect. They make abstract ideas concrete, giving us a clear idea of what things like ‘integrity’ or ‘excellence’ or ‘going the extra mile’ look like.

WRITING RIVETTING STORIES : a highly interactive creative writing programme which can be tailored to your student’s interests  as they play with the building blocks of character, setting, goals and problems, 

community spaces

Stories are a great way to bring people together. Everyone listens to a story with their own ears, so the same story can appeal to both  young and old but for different reasons.

I’ve told at Community Centres (Siglap South Cheng San and Tampines West in 2023) for events such as National Families Week and Mental Health Awareness Day

I’ve told with a group of Nepali women at Tampines Hub and Punggol Regional Library.  At the Alliance Francaise open day (bi-lingually with a Freh-speaking teller and an Indian musician for accompaniment

I often work with my deaf friend and story partner, Gophi Nathan, in community events and we include sign language to raise awareness of deaf culture too.


cultural/historiC sites/parks

I have told at the National Museum, Asian Civilisations Museum and the National Gallery in connection with psecial exhibitions as well as ad hoc events.   (here i’m telling with kamishibai at the National Museum for chinese New Year )

Outdoors i have told in the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, East Coast and West Coast Parks.

Tailoring a performance to be site specific is a fascinating challenge in order to make the most of what the space offers in terms of its geography, the audience-teller dynamic and of course its own history.

corporate &

Corporate clients have included A*STAR, Allianz, Google, Hour Glass, Maritime Port Authority, Procter & Gamble, Singapore University of social Sciences. the story workshops have been given to frontline staff, as well as management from mid-level to country managers of multi-nationals. Much of my corproate work has been done in conjunction with ROHEI programmes.

Being able to tell a a story well – and knowing what kind of story to tell (and when!) is a vital skill for any leader. 


I am an expressive, dramatic reader with a flair for comedy and charcterisation. My accent is definitely English. 

The variety of audiobooks I have narrated for Storytel reflects my range – from kids to teen, sci-fi, adult 9even erotic) fiction and plenty of seriuos non-ficiton books.

I am proud to be a trained audio-describer as I believe this is an important service increasing accessibility for the vision-impaired. Although I describe productions  predominnantly staged with SRT & WILD RICE, I am always open to describing for other companies

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