What's in Roger Jenkins Story Store?
I have published 3 books
From The Belly of the Carp (hard copy)
Stories for Values Education – Juniors (ebook)
Stories for Values Education – Teens (ebook)
NOT JUST AT BEDTIME is a collection of 11 videos (with a total run time of 2 hours) which is a practical demonstration of how to become a storyteller. It is designed for parents and teachers and anyone keen to become a more expressive and engaging teller.
THE SHIOK STORY SHUFFLE is a fun story-making game for the family,
STORY SPARKS is a set of writing stimulus cards targeted at Primary 1 – 3 (ages 7 0 9) and Primary 4 – 6 (ages 10 – 12)
To purchase please email me for Paynow (in Singapore delivery) or Paypal details: rogerstoryteller@gmail.com
This is a little six minute sampler of NOT JUST AT BEDTIME
Every character in From The Belly Of The Carp is associated with the Singapore River from Raffles to the present. Coolies, boat-builders, rickshaw-pullers and punkah-wallahs gradually become businessmen, bar-owners, gardeners and tourists as times change.
Chaucerian at its best. Its world is marvellously peopled. Its vitality and vigour are celebratory.
The book’s idiom is unmistakably Singaporean. – Asad Latif, Straits Times 19/10/96
Some characters are famous, but most are the ordinary men and women who loved and laboured to make Singapore what it is. I focus on the ordinary men and women (not that anyone can be described as ordinary!) whose efforts and experience, dreams and determination, have made our country what it is. Each poem is a dramatic monologue in which the speaker tells us something of their life. Read more
Here I am performing four of the character monolgues
Rubber. Rice. Flour. Wood
Coffee. Pepper. Charcoal.
It’s all the same,
barrel, crate, gunnysack:
Hard on the back,
the arms, the legs.
Strains. Blisters. Splinters. Sweat.
All I had
at the end of the day:
Rice. Rheumatism. Opium.
These two resource books for teachers & parents were created in response to the Ministry of Education’s push to bolster Civic and Character Education (CCE) in our Singaporean schools.
These are all stories that I have told in schools – there are 54 (Juniors) and 55 (Teens) – only three are in both, They are grouped around 20 values and each story comes with tips for the telling, suggested follow-up activities, a proverb or saying and occasionally a link to a video of me telling – as you will receive a softcopy of the book, all the hyperlinks are active, which is an advantage over the hardcopy.
Watch me telling some of the stories in Stories for Values Ed – JUNIORS
Teaching values is tough – though stories do an excellent job of making an abstract like ‘integrity’ concrete and easy to understand and remember. However as the teacher, you are also expected to lead by an example (that’s the tough part!) Therefore, I hope that, while discussing honesty with your class, you will respect my intellectual copyright and not duplicate copies of the book to your colleagues!
Welcome to my Story Store
I have published 3 books
- From The Belly of the Carp (hard copy)
- Stories for Values Education – Juniors (ebook)
- Stories for Values Education – Teens (ebook)
NOT JUST AT BEDTIME is a collection of 11 videos (with a total run time of a little over 2 hours) which is a practical demonstration of how to become a storyteller. It is designed for parents and teachers and anyone keen to become a more expressive and engaging teller.
THE SHIOK STORY SHUFFLE is a fun story-making game for the family.
This is a little six minute sampler of NOT JUST AT BEDTIME
is an excellent library of professional quality video recordings of stories told in the studio by some of Singapore’s most popular storytellers. The stories are catalogued by age appropriateness from pre-school – teens and you can search by theme (honesty, sharing, teamwork etc)
- The videos are viewed on a dedicated site, so there are no distractions, unlike with Youtube for example
- Home viewing packages of $10 / $20 / and $40 are available offering 10 / 23 /59 views respectively.
- (Note that pricing for school viewing is at $10 per class per view)
Winner, 1995 Singapore Literature Prize
Every character in From The Belly Of The Carp is associated with the Singapore River from Raffles to the present. Coolies, boat-builders, rickshaw-pullers and punkah-wallahs gradually become businessmen, bar-owners, gardeners and tourists as times change.
Chaucerian at its best. Its world is marvellously peopled. Its vitality and vigour are celebratory.
The book’s idiom is unmistakably Singaporean. – Asad Latif, Straits Times 19/10/96
Some characters are famous, but most are the ordinary men and women who loved and laboured to make Singapore what it is. I focus on the ordinary men and women (not that anyone can be described as ordinary!) whose efforts and experience, dreams and determination, have made our country what it is. Each poem is a dramatic monologue in which the speaker tells us something of their life. Read more
Rubber. Rice. Flour. Wood
Coffee. Pepper. Charcoal.
It’s all the same,
barrel, crate, gunnysack:
Hard on the back,
the arms, the legs.
Strains. Blisters. Splinters. Sweat.
All I had
at the end of the day:
Rice. Rheumatism. Opium.
These two resource books for teachers/parents were created in response to the Ministry of Education’s push to bolster Civic and Character Education (CCE) in our Singaporean schools.
These are all stories that I have told in schools – there are 54 (Juniors) and 55 (Teens) – only three are in both, They are grouped around 20 values and each story comes with tips for the telling, suggested follow-up activities, a proverb or saying and occasionally a link to a video of me telling – as you will receive a softcopy of the book, all the hyperlinks are active, which is an advantage over the hardcopy.
Teaching values is tough – though stories do an excellent job of making an abstract like ‘integrity’ concrete and easy to understand and remember. However as the teacher, you are also expected to lead by an example (that’s the tough part!) Therefore, I hope that, while discussing honesty with your class, you will respect my intellectual copyright and not duplicate copies of the book to your colleagues!
8 dice, colour-coded to distinguish the four key building blocks of a story: Characters, Settings, Problems and Events.
Two sample stories created on the spot from a role of the dice!
Story Dice are light, easy to pack and easy to use anywewhere when you’re stuck and looking for something fuss-free to do – like in an airport lounge?